What if I told you that we send hundreds of millions of dollars to landfill every year? If you look around the room you are in right now,
Many industries generate acid mist as a result of their industrial processes. In most cases the acid mist will be caused by usage of inorgan
The discussions in earlier blog posts have delved into the value of metals in various types of electronic waste (E-Waste), the magnitude of
Lithium-ion batteries play a critical role in advancing sustainability efforts. From eco-friendly mobility to clean energy, many sustainabil
Annual e-waste generation: The world generated 53.6 Mt of e-waste in 2019. That’s an average of 7.3 kg per capita. The amount of e-waste
As technology advances, demand for metals continues to increase, causing economic, social, and environmental challenges in the supply chain.
Silver refining technology offers the ability to recover high-purity silver from many different solutions including caustic cyanide PLS, nitric acid electrolyte, and more.
Electrowinning is a process used to recover metals from a solution or an electrolyte, by means of an electrolytic chemical reaction.
In electrowinning, metals ions dissolved in an electrolyte are deposited in a reduced metallic form at the cathode. The conversion of the
Electrowinning is a very convenient and robust way to directly recover dissolved metals such as copper, silver, gold, nickel, cobalt, and ti
A unique feature of the electrowinning process is acid generation. As a result, acid can be recycled or recovered from the metal depleted
In this video we discuss which adjustable parameters in the emew cell affect production and purity, as well as which impurities can adversel
When talking about electrowinning, copper, silver, and nickel always seem to be the center of attention. However, with the recent advancemen
Clean, fresh water is a luxury in many countries and is increasingly becoming a valuable commodity. Our society today is faced with the
In this video we answer questions about how to size your emew plant, what are typical delivery times for emew equipment, and what is the cos
In one of the previous posts I described the basic principle of conventional electrowinning. Today I would like to talk about the difference
Today we would like to answer some frequently asked questions about types of emew cells and their production capacities.
Hydrometallurgical extraction is an effective way to recover copper from low-grade copper ores.
Due to the increase in electric and electronic equipment (EEEs), high-purity silver continues to be in high demand. For the past 4 years,
A question that we hear from Clients every day is "Can I recover (copper - or other metals) from this?" The material in question can be
Cobalt, the element that is just starting to create a lot of buzz; from the auto industry to electronics production, the popularity of cobal
Way back in elementary school when you thought of nickel, the first image that popped into your head was probably that nice shiny 5¢ coin.
I recently learned that metal powders have the potential to be the future of renewable energy sources. This is a relatively new venture, and
What do your morning cup of tea and a metal recovery plant have in common? Not a whole lot, is what you would hope! However, this is where y...
Advanced green technologies (AGTs) refer to a group of practical methodologies and materials based, among others, on non-toxic chemical proc
Billions of litres of wastewater are treated every year in wastewater treatment plants around the world. This wastewater, both industrial an
Electrometals would like to congratulate Bosch Australia for winning the Premier's Sustainability Award for Environmental Protection using
While silver is definitely a precious metal, the usages of this metal are much wider than just the jewelry industry. Silver is a great elect
The electrowinning of copper is an electrolytic process that uses electricity to recover dissolved copper from solution as copper plate, als
Electrowinning is the process of ‘winning’ dissolved metals from solution by passing an electrical current through an electrolyte containing
The word liberation comes from the latin word, liberatus, which literally means "to set free" or "to deliver", and can easily apply to myria
Electrocoagulation (EC) is an electrolytic process used mostly for wastewater and industrial water treatment. Due to its uni...
Electrowinning is a process in which metal ions present in an electrically conductive solution are separated using a direct current. This is
In a world that is increasingly demanding sustainability, nonferrous metal recycling has become a very important practice. Opting for recycl
Electrowinning is known as an electrolytic process because it involves electrodes submerged into an electrolyte.An electrolyte is simply
A common question we get here at emewCorporation is: “What is the power consumption of emew electrowinning technology”. This is a very impor
Nickel is a lustrous silvery-white metal with a tint of gold. While nickel is the 5 th most common element on earth, most of it is inaccessi
Electrowinning is a widely used technology in modern metal recovery, mining, refining, and wastewater treatment applications. The electrowin