Billions of litres of wastewater are treated every year in wastewater treatment plants around the world. This wastewater, both industrial and municipal, can contain various pollutants depending on the source. Wastewater may contain soap, waste products, food scraps, human waste, oils and in some cases, metals. The main goal of wastewater treatment is to preserve the environment and keep the pollutants out of rivers and oceans.
Water is used in a variety of industries for different purposes such as manufacturing, heating, cooling, as a solvent or rinse waters. This water eventually becomes wastewater and cannot be discharged to a municipal sewer system without prior treatment. Operating a wastewater treatment plant can be expensive taking into account initial capital costs, spare parts, reagents, labour and possibily even hazardous materials handling. Today I would like to address three ways in which you can actually become richer as a result of operating a wastewater treatment plant.
Sound interesting? Then read on ...
#1: Environmental
It is not a new concept that industrial impact on the environment is negative. Lack of proper wastewater treatment facilities and use of outdated facilities based on old technologies do not contribute to a sustainable future. Many wastewater treatment plants around the world are struggling to meet discharge limits and to comply with government imposed regulations. In fact, many countries don’t have any regulations at all or the enforcement of regulations is not strictly enforced. In terms of 'getting rich' in an environmental way, I'm referring to investment in the future of our children and the only planet we call home. We depend on clean water to survive and if we don’t take the necessary steps today, tomorrow may be too late.

#2: Social
If the social image of your brand and company is important to you, try elevating the effort you put into environmental stewardship and treating industrial waste. An efficient and modern wastewater treatment plant is something to be proud of. It can be great leverage in social media, newspapers and TV. Having an advanced treatment technology that your competitor doesn’t may spike interest in your company and get you the support of your local municipality. In today’s world where social media is considered the strongest marketing tool, you can make yourself rich literally by building the right social image for your business. So go ahead, toot your own horn!

#3: Save and Earn
In the industrial world there are two accepted approaches to wastewater treatment. Some businesses prefer to dispose of contaminated streams off site by hiring a disposal company, while others treat the effluent onsite. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages.
Disposal with a third-party contractor
- No need to treat wastewater onsite;
- Low labour and no maintenance;
- Convenience.
- Disposal companies charge a lot for their specialized services;
- Effluents must be stored and segregated until scheduled removal;
- Does not contribute to sustainability objectives.
Treatment onsite using advanced wastewater treatment plants
- Saves on disposal costs;
- No need for storage or scheduling;
- Treated water can be reused in industrial processes or discharged to municipal sewers;
- Metals can be recovered from wastewater and sold generating a revenue stream;
- Positive environmental and social impact.
- Initial capital costs;
- Ongoing operation and maintenance
Wastewater treatment plants can save money and also create additional revenue by selling recovered metals. Get ready to reap the rewards of a greener future and being the envy of your competition? Talk to us, we have just the right solution for your wastewater.